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Container of Serenity Kids' A2 whole milk toddler formula

How I’m Incorporating Serenity Kids’ Toddler Formula into Max’s Meals

By Melissa Rifkin

Sep 02, 2021

My little guy is full of energy these days, playing with toys around the house, running around outside and LOVING our neighborhood playground. I love that he is so active, but, boy, does he keep me on my toes!

As a mom, and even more so as a dietitian, I think about Max’s nutrition constantly. Is he eating enough? Is he eating too much? How is his digestion? Which new foods should I introduce next? While there is not a concrete plan to follow with feeding a toddler, and every child has different preferences and needs, one thing giving me peace of mind in ensuring Max is getting everything he needs is Serenity Kids’ new A2 Whole Milk Formula.

Open container of toddler formula with scoop, surrounded by wooden children's toys and clothing

Max eats and/or drinks calories every couple of hours, and while we largely rely on homemade meals and snacks, using Serenity Kids’ toddler formula has been a great addition to his nutrition. It is free of soy, a common allergen for children, and provides 8 sources of healthy fats, like DHA to support brain and nervous system development. It also contains a wide variety of vitamins and minerals in easily absorbable forms to fill in any gaps we may be missing in Max’s food intake. And, one of the more unique features of Serenity Kids’ new A2 Whole Milk Formula is that it is contains prebiotics like Human Milk Oligosaccharides and galactooligosaccharides for the microbiome and is made with grass fed A2 whole milk which has only A2 beta casein protein that allow for easier digestion compared to traditional formulas made with A1 protein.

Believe me, Max is happy to have a cup of Serenity Kids’ toddler formula on its own, but I have also found unique ways to add it to his meals and snacks as well for extra nutrition and benefits.

A hand pouring a scoop of formula into children's cup
  • Add to a fruit and veggie smoothie. The texture blends seamlessly!
  • Incorporate into oatmeal. Just add a little extra liquid to maintain a nice texture.
  • Mix a scoop into your next batch of energy bites. I make a variety of energy bites with a base of oats, nut butter and usually some sort of chocolate 🙂, and will add a scoop of Serenity Kids’ toddler formula when making a batch for Max.
  • Blend into purees. Pumpkin and apple was a favorite of Max’s, but you could easily add a scoop to any of your little ones’ favorite fruit and veggie purees.
  • Make popsicles. Simply add a scoop to your favorite smoothie recipe, pour into popsicle molds and freeze for a refreshing afternoon snack.

These are only a few of the ideas I have tried, but there are so many additional ways to incorporate Serenity Kids’ new A2 Whole Milk Formula into your little guy or gals’ meals and snacks. Have fun in the kitchen and get creative with different ways to boost your toddlers’ nutrition!