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Two women walking down a trail

Support your Immune System with Sun, Sleep and Supplements

By Melissa Rifkin

Jul 12, 2021

Have you ever noticed how in the fall and winter months everyone around you starts taking immune-boosting supplements and discussing ways to support their immune system? While the colder months are known to be flu and cold season, it is important to support your immune system year-round. Luckily, there are many ways in which you can build and support your immunity. Here are some of my top tips for creating a healthy immune system!

Two woman walking down a trail

Spend more time outside

There are many documented benefits to spending time in the great outdoors, including improved mood, lowered stress and the production of Vitamin D, which is known to play a role in your immune system. Additionally, spending time outside often leads to more activity, which is another know immunity-booster. In fact, research indicates as little as 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day can provide added support to your immune system. A walk, casual bike ride and activities with your kids are great ways to build in outdoor time.

Analog alarm clock on a nightstand

Adequate sleep

Current research indicates inadequate z’s can negatively impact your immune system. Studies show those who don’t get enough quality sleep are more likely to get sick after coming in contact with viruses’, like a common cold. While everyone may feel best with different durations of sleep, it is commonly thought that seven to eight hours is appropriate for adults. Ideally, this is uninterrupted sleep that results in good quality rest. If your duration and quality of sleep could use improving, try turning off electronics earlier in the evening, practicing meditation and using lavender aromatherapy to create a calming environment.

Package of LifeSeasons Clinical Immunity Elderberry drink mix

LifeSeasons Clinical Immunity Elderberry Drink

Supplements definitely play a role in your immune system. You may be familiar with products like Vitamin C and D, and while those can have a positive impact, elderberry can play a beneficial role as well. LifeSeasons Clinical Immunity Elderberry drink concentrates 300 health-boosting elderberries into one easy and delicious drink. Elderberries are packed with antioxidants and vitamins to keep your cells healthy and able to better stand up to common viruses. This simple packet you add to water also contains Vitamins D and C, and zinc to maximize the immune-boosting effects. Also, because they are packaged in single-servings sticks, you can easily travel with them, keep some in your work bag and a stash at home as well. Bonus! You can use code “confession” to get 15% off your order!

Support your immune system year-round with simple habits. Small changes in daily choices, like daily supplementation, adequate sleep and active time outside can add up big time over weeks, months and years!